Trustpilot makes it possible for customers to tell businesses what they think about their most recent customer service experience. The more people share their reviews, the easier it is for future customers to make an informed choice.
Using a five-star rating system, Trustpilot makes it simple to gauge the effectiveness of an organisation. Trustpilot reviews are free to use and comments are unedited. A negative review will not be removed, unless it breaks codes of conduct and terms of the service. Even then, it is removed by Trustpilot – not the business in question.
Reviews, both good and bad, help a company to improve its service offering by learning from its mistakes and building upon its perceived strengths.
You can review the service you have received from Gates at any time by visiting:
If you receive a request to leave a review – from either Trustpilot or Gates directly – we would appreciate your response.
It’s really important to us that we know what you think of our service.